Monday, September 27, 2010

Stress and the dental practice

Dentists often perceive dentistry as being stressful. The sources of stress arise from the work environment (for example, workplace, financial and practice management issues) and from the personality types of the people who choose the profession. Stress can elicit varying physiological and psychological effects on a person.

With professional burnout, people become emotionally and mentally exhausted; develop a negative, indifferent or cynical attitude toward patients, clients or co-workers; and evaluate themselves negatively. Two common anxiety disorders are panic disorder and GAD. Both disorders can be debilitating, as they elicit excessive, irrational fear and dread. The treatment options available are medications (for example, anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants) and psychotherapy. Depression affects the body, mood and thoughts. Its onset often involves a combination of genetic, psychological and environmental factors. However, episodes of depression may be precipitated by mild stresses.

Some stress is inherent in dental practice, requiring that dentists learn coping strategies to minimize the effects of stress. Stress management should be targeted to dental students and practicing dentists. The dental educational curriculum should be modified to include business management, stress management and communication skills. Some dental associations offer stress management workshops, professional help, counseling services and support networks. In addition, dentists should assess their own attitudes and expectations to determine if they are realistic, achievable or rational. Finally, dentists must realize that help is readily available if the effects of stress become overwhelming.

Please read this article from JADA , the above material is copyrighted and is only for use of dental students and dentists and is not to be commercially used in any way

pls check the original article in

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Occupational Hazards in Dental Practice

See the chapter on Occupational Medicine in this best selling book- First Indian Multi-authored -Peer reviewed Oral Medicine book having Indian Data. published by Jaypee Publishers , New Delhi.
Careless Dental Practice is Dangerous
All occupations have risks associated with them. Dentistry is a health care profession which involves close proximity to patient oral cavity, bending and holding neck in awkward positions while viewing the upper teeth or palate,use of lasers (eyes) , use of mercury , use of an dental x ray unit without lead barrier, Not fulfilling the patients expectations(consumer protection problems), improper care of patients general health.
Infectious Diseases- Walk in patients in a dental clinic would be infected with TB, HIV , Hepatitis (all kinds) B variety is most worrisome. Using quality surgical masks, gloves and head cover specially for women reduces the risk of infection to acceptable levels . Use of 0-1-6 Hep-B vaccination schedule for dental students and 0-1-2-12 vaccination schedule for surgeons is mandatory with booster dose every 5 years.
Postural Problems - The faulty posture and the excessive patient load usually results in the cervical spondylosis, low back pain, tenderness in the knee joint, and the ankle joint due to the long times of standing in clinic. this is alleviated by the sit down dentistry, four handed dentistry and using proper erect posture.
Radiation Hygiene - Use of x ray machines in small un-planned clinic with no lead barriers can lead to dangerous levels of radiation exposure which may not cause somatic changes but the damage to sperm production and ovum is definitely a problem.
Mercury Poisoning - The silver amalgam filling still remains the choice for dental fillings, most clinics in district places and rural areas use hand squeezing methods for mulling the mercury. the excess may drop off on the floor and the fumes cause a lot inhalation risk. Hg has deleterious effect on nervous system and the kidney apart from being toxic generally .Silver amalgam fillings are safe for the patients as per contemporary references.
Stress is more in health care- Long years of training, lower than expected remunerations ,interpersonal problems with patients and colleagues makes personal life hell !! This may lead to Professional burnout and alcohol and tobacco abuse .
Consumer Protection Act - Any misunderstanding with patient regarding the treatment expectations and lack of proper dental treatment delivery will result in the patient wanting his money back or worse will drag u into the consumer court.

Dentist head not cvrd posture -

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dental Education in Gujarat

Karnavati School of Dentistry is the emerging star of BDS and MDS education in Gujarat. The lush campus in Uvarsad is beautifully landscaped , lush green with a beautiful durga temple in it. The infrastructure is great, the faculty is superlative and students disciplined and focussed.
Dr Durgesh Bailoor has joined this institution as a Director of Post gradute studies and Research. The focus of this institution is to provide highest standards of dental training, do rural dental care free of cost and the encourage epidemiological studies in different districts of Gujarat to see that definite emphasis on dental health planning may be done.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cranefield university is offering a good MSc course in Clinical research . It is a great viable option for bds guys who do not want to go into rote practice. It is one of the fastest growing industry and many projects are being out sourced to India.
Think about it

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shocking letter from BDJ april 2010

"India is passing through the same stage and perpetrating the same mistakes. Fresh dental graduates are paid less then Rs 6,000 per month (approximately US$120), with many dental graduates forced to work in call centres or to change profession. Increasing the number of health professionals is not going to help the problem and will lead to tarnishing the profession."
While a limited number of examples are true in some of the C grade dental schools, generally the quality of dental education is not as bad as it has been made up in this BDJ letter. It is matter of opinion of the author A Singh, but personally I have been a teacher for over 24 years and worked in at least six different dental schools.I firmly believe that a major number of dental graduates are trained well and adapt to the Indian conditions and deliver the quality dental care at very affordable prices.
I strongly believe that the Dental Council of India is doing a very exemplary job of regulation of the dental education. We all professionals also have a role to play in maintaining the standards by being true to our teaching profession and pledging not to work part time or so called visiting faculty.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Is Dentistry in Crisis ?

Are there too many dentists? No dental surgeon who are willing to travel to district level places and practice are doing very well. The villages of india also require the dental surgeon to go and settle down , in fact many dentists in maharashtra and gujrat who went to the villages ended up being the overall health care people of that area, many have started their full fledged hospitals and employed other mbbs doctors and created a center for health service in remote areas. This photograph shows oral cancer awareness camp being done in remote village in Rajasthan called as tala mode region about 45 kms from Jaipur. Oral Cancer education and toludine blue staining on the site was done. The cases detected were then biopsied the next day in camp itself !! there is so much work to be done in India we have just scratched the surface.
If any one of you is working in remote village areas I need to contact you and maybe meet you.
please send me information on

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Where will the BDS graduates go?

In Rajasthan itself more than 1000 dentists graduate. Less than 33% have money to start their dental clinics. Most Girls choose the easy way out get married? What will the boys do?
Many are writing IAS examinations, some are doing computer courses, some are taking up journalism and many are looking at MBA as an option?
If any of the dentists out their have an opinion please contribute.